The three forms of magic

Did you know that every action you perform is a magical act of one sort or another?

Spiritual students can sometimes perform acts of magic which are harmful to themselves and/or others, even though this may be the opposite of their intention. It is vital to know not only what to do, but just as importantly, what not to do.


The three types of magic and how to identify them

How to discriminate between good and bad magic

How to keep your magic pure

The Mental Hand Practice to transmute negative thoughts

The Aura Cleansing Practice – a simple yet effective protective practice

From Dr King…

“Black magic is that magic which, for want of a better word, we can describe as all wrong thought and all wrong action. Grey magic is neither good nor bad. And white magic is that thought and action which is designed to bring about a spiritual result. From this you can conclude, and quite rightly,  that every thought that you have ever thought in this, or will think in future lives, is an action of magic. And every action you have ever done in this or in future lives is a magical action.”

Your presenters

Tanya Solberg
Tanya Solberg

Tanya has been teaching workshops on a range of spiritual self-development subjects for over 20 years.

“I work as a chartered accountant and find that my spiritual side is an excellent balance to a busy work life.”

Elizabeth Martin
Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth has been very interested in spiritual development and the deeper meaning of life for many years and what we can do to make this a better world for all.

Register today!

Friendly, experienced presenters

Relaxed atmosphere

On-site parking

Date: Saturday 28 March 2020, 2pm – 3:15pm followed by afternoon tea

[ To stay informed about future events please register in the blue form below ]

Entry: $10 ($6 students/beneficiaries)

Location: The Aetherius Society, 269 Hinemoa St, Birkenhead, North Shore