This week we continue our series on the Cosmic Transmissions known as The Twelve Blessings, which were delivered by the Master Jesus through Dr George King. This week we look at the Fifth Blessing – Blessed are the thanksgivers.

Blessed are the Thanksgivers, for they turn great tides of energy and direct these towards their objectives.

– The Master Jesus

The thanksgivers are those who are aware of the devic kingdom, sometimes known as ‘nature’s finer forces’, and not only are they aware of the devas but they live in eternal thanks for their work.

The devic kingdom is responsible for looking after nature and there are many types of devic entities. They are associated with plants, rivers, mountains and the weather. They are physical beings living on Earth, yet they exist on a different vibratory level so we cannot normally see them, although some psychics and some young children can see devas.

The appreciation shown by the thanksgivers for the essential function and service provided by the devic kingdom to all life on Earth is so deep and profound that it becomes part of their every thought and action.

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Join Olav Solberg as we investigate the fascinating Fifth Blessing – to the Thanksgivers.

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Watch video of Special Divine Service featuring this Blessing in full: