In this article and podcast, Tanya Solberg looks at the spirit world, the place all of us go between each of our many incarnations.

There is more to life than meets the eye, and in a way, there isn’t really such a thing as death.

In order to understand what happens when we die, we need first to understand a bit about the auric body. We are not just the physical body. Around the physical body is a psychic counterpart called the aura. This aura is a psychic reflection of the physical body. It not only reflects the state of physical health, the emotions and psychic development, but it is the part of ourselves that does not die and disintegrate with the physical body. It moves on after death to a different realm of existence around this Earth. Because the aura contains our memory and personality then this also goes with us when we die so we do not forget who we are or who we knew.

These realms are just like the physical realm we now inhabit in that they have trees, mountains, rivers and houses. But the spirit realms are more mental than the physical. For instance we may be able to manifest things through mental visualisation.

What happens when we die?

The physical body and the auric body are connected together by what is termed the “silver cord”. This is an etheric cord located at the back of the neck which connects these two bodies together. A person who has a near death experience is able to come back to life again because the cord has not been broken. Once it is then the physical body can no longer be inhabited. If you, the spirit, were to try to get back into the body you would flop right out again.

Poll: do you believe in life after death?

The different realms

There is more than one realm of existence beyond this physical. In fact there are ten distinctly separate spirit realms. If we include this physical realm this means that there are 11 different vibrations of existence of life around this planet.

Six of these realms operate on higher vibrational frequencies to where we now are and four realms operate on a lower vibrational frequency. This breaks the spirit realms into two distinct areas – the higher realms which are above the physical, and the lower realms which are below this physical realm. In biblical terminology this separation between the realms is referred to as heaven and hell.

Each realm is on a different energy level and if you were to travel from one to another you would become aware of subtle changes. The higher up the scale the more alive it becomes – absolutely scintillating with life and music and colour. Then if you were to move down to the lower realms they would become darker with not so much light.

Each of the six realms above this physical realm has a higher and higher vibration. Just as each of the four realms below this physical, becomes lower and lower in vibration. To differentiate between the realms Dr King numbered the physical realm as level 1, the higher realms as level 2 to level 7 and the lower realms as level -1 to level -4.

Unlike the physical realm which is a melting pot for all kinds of people, all on different levels of experience, undergoing different karmic lessons – the spirit realms distinctly group people together based on their level of spiritual evolution and current experience cycle. This makes for a very pleasant realm of existence if you happen to be living on a higher realm. But not necessarily a very pleasant place to be if you are on the lower realms – although in saying this many of the people living there excel in this environment.

We must remember that when people pass on from the physical realm they do not suddenly become angels or saints. We retain our basic memory and personality and continue in much the same way as we lived on this physical realm.

Which realm do we go to?

When we pass on we go to the realm that we deserve to go to based on how we have lived our lives. This is reflected in the vibration of our aura. If we have been a deeply spiritual person then the vibrations of our aura will be heightened. We will then pass to the spirit realm that is vibrating most closely to our own aura which will be, in this case, on the higher realms.

Likewise if we have been a negative immoral person, the vibrations of our aura will be much lower. When we move to the spirit realms we will naturally be attuned to a lower realm. The realm to which we go is not a punishment – there is no such thing as eternal hell and damnation – we merely pass to the realm which is most in tune to our aura and therefore most comfortable for us to exist upon. A person of lower vibration would not be able to exist for long upon one of the higher realms, in the same way that a person of a higher vibration would not be able to exist for long on one of the lower realms.

Your everyday average good person would go to level 2 whereas a saint might go to level 6. Conversely your everyday average selfish or unpleasant person may be on level -1 whereas the mass murders would be on level -4.

What do people do in the spirit world?

In Dr. King’s lecture on the spirit realms he gave us some insight into what people do while they are living there. One of these is that people have an opportunity to attend the many schools of learning on various subjects which exist on these realms. They have large temples for worship and halls of learning where people learn subjects such as prayer, healing, writing, art, music, the sciences and so on. You don’t have to attend these schools if you don’t want to but many people choose to learn new things, as well as become experts in subjects they have already excelled in while on the physical.

People can move between the different realms but they may not be able to remain long in that realm if there is too much disparity between their auric vibration and the vibration of the realm that they are on. So they may attend a school of learning on the next level up or come down from a higher level to provide teaching to those on the realms below them.

How long are we in the spirit world before reincarnating?

For some people the time on the spirit realms may be relatively brief – say five years – for others it may be for many hundreds of years – each case is different.

In each instance of life we have the opportunity to improve our karmic pattern and the vibrations of our aura through the choices we make in this life. This means that the next time we pass to the spirit realm we may find ourselves in a different realm, whether that be higher or lower, depending on our actions in our current life.


Ghosts are people who when they have died have not moved directly to the spirit realms but have lingered in spirit on the physical realm, sometimes due to a strong draw to something on the physical realms or a stubborn refusal to believe that they are dead.

If you see a family member in spirit this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a ghost, they may just be having a short visit from the spirit realms. Ghosts can be caught for long periods of time on the physical realm and may need help to move onto the spirit realms. Once they do move on though, they rejoin the cycle of life on the spirit realms and then reincarnation back to the physical.

How can we ensure we pass on to a higher realm when we die?

Dr. King gave a few pieces of advice when he gave his lectures on this topic. The first thing he said was to look after not just our physical body but our auric body as well. Because it depends upon the purity of that auric body as to what environment we must come back to. We are evolving two sets of bodies – one is the physical body we inhabit for maybe 80 odd years, the other auric body we inhabit for thousands of years.

One of the best things we can do for our auric body are yogic breathing exercises or spiritual exercises of any kind. The aura of an 80 year old person who has been breathing correctly will be in far better shape than that of a much younger person who has been taking drugs for a few years. When the 80 year old person passes on, because their auric body is virile and pure, then they won’t be like an 80 year old person on the other realms but will appear much younger.

The second thing Dr King said, was that in his discussions with people who had passed over they usually said “If only I had my life over again I would do this and this and this” – and when they are saying this they don’t mean buying flash cars and houses, they mean that they would do things that would help their spiritual development. Although we have experience on other realms around this Earth, it is this physical realm where we can make the most strides in our spiritual evolution and as such it is the most important realm.

If we want to pass on to a higher realm then we should focus on our spiritual development. We should help others and give service wherever possible. This way when we pass over hopefully we will not have as many regrets as most of the people Dr George King met.

One great way to be of service to the world is through the practice of The Twelve Blessings – find out more.

Get the original lecture on the spirit worlds by Dr King available on CD or download.

Find out more

  • Levels of Consciousness – Part 1: The Spirit World – a lecture by Dr George King available on CD or download
  • Karma and Reincarnation – a booklet by Dr George King (hard copy or ebook)
  • Karma and reincarnation – a lecture by Dr George King – available on CD or download

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