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Discover the A-U-M

The sacred word A-U-M is perhaps one of the most essential lessons for you to learn, since the correct pronunciation of this word, which contains all sound, will give you the key to great Spiritual Enlightenment.

Of all the words ever spoken on Earth – this is the most important.

Of all the mantras ever chanted throughout the ages by the holy men – this is the greatest.

Of all the sonic vibrations made by man – this is the highest.

The A-U-M is deeply holy and should only be intoned by those who have been initiated into it by a Master who has the right to give such an initiation, such as Dr. George King. This event will include the playing of an initiation from Dr King into this sacred sound.

Outside of spiritual services and practice sessions, this word should not be spoken, even in spiritual conversation; instead it can be spelled out as A – U – M, or simply referred to as “The Word”. The more reverence one gives to this sacred sound, the more power it will yield.

What you will gain from this Discovery Event

  • How to recite the A-U-M
  • The power of group recitation of the A-U-M
  • How to use this mantra to radiate spiritual power
  • The sacred origin of this holy word
  • How it can help to spiritualise your life

“This is the WORD which was with GOD in the beginning…. This is the sound of continual Creation which is always taking place”

– Dr George King, The Nine Freedoms, Chapter 7 Inter-Planetary Existence


Frank McManus
Frank McManus

Frank is a qualified Naturopath, Massage Therapist and Reflexologist. He is also an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner and has been running workshops on spiritual subjects for over 30 years.

Elizabeth Martin
Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth has been very interested in spiritual development and the deeper meaning of life for many years and what we can do to make this a better world for all. She is a Priest in the Aetherius Church.


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  • If you change your mind.
  • If it is cancelled for any reason.
  • Any time prior to the day of the workshop.

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