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What’s the difference between white, black and grey magic?

There are three forms of magic that we can demonstrate through our thoughts and actions. These are often referred to as ‘white magic’ and ‘black magic’, with ‘grey magic’ being somewhere in between.

It is essential for all spiritual students to keep their magic pure. This ensures that we do not perform acts of magic which are harmful to either ourselves or others.

As a spiritual student, it is also vital to learn to protect yourself against psychic interference, while at the same time, recognising that the most common causes of so-called interference are actually our own negative thoughts and actions.

In this workshop you will learn:

    • The difference between white, black and grey magic
    • How to keep your magic pure
    • What psychic interference is
    • How to recognise if you are the victim of psychic interference
    • Powerful techniques to help protect yourself from basic psychic interference
    • How to protect yourself from psychic interference during sleep
    • The simple, yet powerful visualisation exercise known as ‘The Practice of the Presence’

A balance of theory and practice

This workshop is based on the teachings of Dr George King, a western Master of yoga. You will leave with a better understanding of what psychic interference is and whether you are affected by it. You’ll also get to try out some practical steps you can take to protect yourself.

“If you do this practice regularly, and if you do this practice well, your aura will be cleansed, you will be charged with an untold force, you will be given great powers yourself, you will be protected in many, many ways from the dark forces. This is one of the great steps of psychic self defence.”

– Dr George King, from a lecture on psychic self defence


Frank McManus
Frank McManus

Frank is a qualified Naturopath, Massage Therapist and Reflexologist. He is also an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner and has been running workshops on spiritual subjects for over 30 years.

Tanya Solberg
Tanya Solberg

Tanya has been teaching workshops on a range of spiritual self-development subjects for over 20 years.

“I work as a chartered accountant and find that my spiritual side is an excellent balance to a busy work life.”


Friendly atmosphere

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Workshop Money-back Guarantee applies:

  • If you change your mind.
  • If it is cancelled for any reason.
  • Any time prior to the day of the workshop.

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