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Christmas is celebrated all over the world as the birth of Jesus Christ, whom many call the Son of God and the saviour of all souls.

Despite the greatness of this Holy being, little is known about his life on earth.  And it is a fact that his life between the age of 11 and 30 is undocumented.

There is a great mystery surrounding the founder of Christianity. 

Who really was the Christ of Christmas?

Many stunning revelations have come to light with such documents as the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’, and in modern times through the unique transmission contacts of Western Master of Yoga Dr. George King. 

Dr King physically met this great Master of Love, and was overshadowed by Him many times while he himself was in trance.  

As a result, the modern teachings of Jesus, ‘The Twelve Blessings’, were given as an extension of his previous teachings.

This Service will include

  • Mystic mantra and prayer
  • A recorded message by The Master Jesus as given through Dr George King
  • The playing of a recording of an inspiring and uplifting Blessing by the Master Jesus from The Twelve Blessings
  • A fascinating address by Dr George King about the True Purpose of the Master Jesus’s mission to Earth

A quote from the book ‘Wisdom Of The Planets’:

“Oh my sweet, adorable children: much foolishness has been spoken of me. I am your brother, not your God. I am your friend, not your father.

Wherefore dwelleth thy Father? Where can He dwell, save within thy heart? Knock upon this inner door, oh children of Light, until it be opened unto you, until you do stand and receive this lasting treasure. Yet do I stand at your right hand while you do this, praying that you do this.

Oh friends: regard me not as dead, and in some mythical heaven, but as among you. Regard me, oh sweet brothers, living in your hearts, not as the God within, but as the key to this door, to this palace door, to this door, which you can all open for yourselves, with this my key!”  

The Master Jesus.

What to expect in this Divine Service

Sunday mornings are a time when our community comes together for a Divine Service. This always includes an address, either given live by minister in the Temple, or through a recording given by a minister at one of our centres overseas. We also sometimes play recorded addresses by Dr King.

After the service we relax and socialise over tea, coffee and biscuits.

Anyone is welcome to join these Sunday morning services.  You can RSVP here to let us know you are coming. This is  helpful so  we can welcome and assist you, especially if it is your first time.  However,  you don’t need to let us know in advance, you are most welcome to just turn up on the day too.

Our services generally also involve:

  • Mantras and mudras (hand signs) to help us to attune ourselves prior to joining together in prayers
  • Short readings from the teachings of  The Aetherius Society

Ministers leading our Services wear religious robes and some Members of the congregation have been given initiations and will therefore also wear robes to reflect these.

When you arrive we will provide you with a prayer booklet so you can join in the prayers if you wish.  There is no kneeling and you can participate in the prayers as much or as little as you like.

If you wish to learn the mantras and mudras (hand signs) that are being used to help attune ourselves prior to joining together in prayer, just ask the person who greeted you on your arrival and they will assist you.

Your Minister for this Service:

Helen Thode
Helen Thode

I have been a member of The Aetherius Society since 1988 and was ordained as a Minister in The Aetherius Churches in 2015.

 As a wife, a mother, and a grandmother (as well as being a busy registered legal executive), I bring to the role as a Minister a nurturing yet perceptive aspect. I  wish to inspire others and consider it an absolute privilege to help them on their spiritual path.


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