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if you wish to enhance your own well-being and spiritual attunement

change your life, and the world, using spiritual energy

raise your consciousness

heal the world

Join us in this free Spiritual Awareness Class

You will hear the unique wisdom through the mediumship of Dr. George King, by listening to a recording of a transmission from the Master Jesus in the “The Twelve Blessings”.  

This transmission not only contains wisdom, but the energy transmitted during the playing of this is often tangible, and can have a positive effect upon your subtle auric bodies.

We will have a group discussion to gain greater insight into the nature and significance of the transmission we have just heard.

You will also be guided in mystical  practices to help yourself and the world with spiritual energy and attunement.

… enhance your spiritual practise!

Profound Wisdom

The wisdom shared from “The Twelve Blessings” in today’s class is   “Blessed is the Mighty Sun”

Everything on Earth is just crystallised sunlight in one form or another, because prana comes from the Sun and all matter is made up of prana. We take prana into our bodies as we breathe, eat and drink. We can consciously bring more prana into our bodies through exercises like pranayama, otherwise known as yoga breathing. The Aetherius Society teaches workshops on this and there are some very good yoga breathing exercises given by Dr King in the book called Realise Your Inner Potential. They’re very easy to learn and regular practice of them can bring tremendous benefits.

In The Aetherius Society we recognise the Sun as a highly evolved being which, by its very existence, is helping life in this Solar System, the galactic system, and even beyond that.

Mystic Practices

We will start this section with an ancient yoga breathing technique to attune ourselves to the great energies both within and outside ourselves.  

Following this you will be guided in a mystic visualisation to invoke uplifting energies into your aura and body.

This will then open the door to the great energy to flow into you and also gain a deeper appreciation of the planetary influence throughout our world. 

You will then be initiated into an ancient Mantra or sacred sound to further attune yourselves and invoke energies of a high vibratory nature.

We will then join together to send out a great stream of energy to the Mighty Sun in this beautiful blessing given by The Master Jesus.

The section will conclude with the beautiful ‘Practice of The Presence’, designed to bring us all closer to the Divine Spark of God within. 

If ever life on Earth was dependent upon any one thing, then it is completely and absolutely dependent upon the Sun for its every expression.  If you forget everything else in the world, it will pay you always to remember this.

– Dr George King


Frank McManus
Frank McManus

Frank is a qualified Naturopath, Massage Therapist and Reflexologist. He is also an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner and has been running workshops on spiritual subjects for over 30 years.

Tanya Solberg
Tanya Solberg

Tanya has been teaching workshops on a range of spiritual self-development subjects for over 20 years.

“I work as a chartered accountant and find that my spiritual side is an excellent balance to a busy work life.”


Friendly atmosphere

Free parking

There is no charge for the Spiritual Awareness Class ‘Tune in with the AUM of the Sun’, but get your RSVP Ticket today to secure your place. This is an in-person event only, and will not be available online.

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