Is there a higher power?

This is one of the great questions posed throughout history.

Far from just philosophical musing, a deep analysis of this question will help you understand your life and can improve it significantly.

We will explore the concept of a Higher Power through the wisdom of the Great Seers from history such as Lao Tse, Buddha, Krishna and Jesus, and as revealed through recent teachings from advanced extra-terrestrials.

We will then go beyond theory and practice a potent technique of mindfulness which can lead to a direct experience of our own “higher power”.  

This event will also include Q&A, group discussion and sharing of experiences.  

The essence of us all, and of everything in creation, is Divine – a spark of God.

We all come from the Divine source – and we will all eventually return to this source.

This Divine source is known by many names but in essence it is simply all things. It is eternal, all-powerful and all-knowing. It exists everywhere – and it is everything. In fact, it is even more than that.

The spiritual path is about attaining a state of conscious oneness with this source. By thinking about what God really is, by going within to experience this God-Spark for yourself, and by helping others, you will evolve and become increasingly aware of your own Divine nature. You will also become increasingly aware of the Divine nature of all things.

As a result, you will attain greater and greater enlightenment, and also greater and greater spiritual powers, both of which you can use to help others and change the world more than you could before.

God-realization is not a myth of Eastern mystical thought. Even in the modern, materialistic chaos of the Western world you too can begin to experience the everlasting reality of the one supreme creative intelligence behind all manifestation…!

Listen to Brian discuss what God really is and what you can do to realize the God-Spark within you.

Don’t miss

What do all religions share in common?

What does it mean to go within?

What can you do to experience the God-Spark within you?

What does it mean to be closer to God?

What is the purpose of karma and what can you do to better learn your karmic lessons?

Your presenter

Brian Keneipp
Brian Keneipp

Rt. Rev. Brian C. Keneipp – Bishop in The Aetherius Churches

Brian Keneipp is visiting New Zealand and Australia from his home at the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in  Los Angeles. He is the Executive Secretary of this Spiritual Brotherhood and worked closely with its founder, Spiritual Master Dr. George King, for over 20 years as one of his closest disciples.

Brian is a regular media guest and lectures on many metaphysical subjects. He has taught classes on advanced Spiritual practices worldwide, including in America, Canada, England and New Zealand.

As an author, he most recently co-authored the biography of Dr. George King, The King Who Came to Earth. Brian’s first book Operation Earth Light: A Glimpse into the World of The Ascended Masters is about the Cosmic Mission Operation Earth Light and includes some of Brian’s extraordinary experiences while working with Dr. King.

For more information:

Register today!

Friendly, experienced presenters

Relaxed atmosphere

On-site parking

Date: Friday 17 January 2020 7pm – 8.15pm followed by tea and coffee

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Entry: $10 ($6 student/beneficiaries)

Location: The Aetherius Society, 269 Hinemoa St, Birkenhead, Auckland