Meditation – its true meaning

Traditionally, meditation is part of the path of yoga but in the West today meditation refers to more mundane states of mind; here we will look at its true meaning.

Yoga, meditation and enlightenment

There are several forms of yoga: among the fastest paths to enlightenment are Raja, Gnani and Kundalini yogas.  Dr King undertook all of these and, after 10 years of intensive meditation practice, achieved the highest state possible in a human body, i.e. Cosmic Consciousness.  In short, the true strict meaning of meditation involves the raising of the kundalini power from the base of the spine to open the psychic centres up the spine, until the highest chakras are opened.

However, today the correct path to enlightenment for most humans is the slow but much safer path of Karma yoga, the yoga of service, as has been declared by the Cosmic Masters.  As the motive for service is altruistic love, this spiritual path is karmically very potent.

The path to meditation: concentration and contemplation

Concentration is the result of controlled thought directed towards a predetermined end, where the mind is focussed on one object, excluding all other thoughts.   Concentration begins to raise the kundalini power gently and slowly up the spine.  In Karma yoga, the best objects of concentration are spiritual such as unselfish prayer, Mantra or the giving of spiritual healing.

Contemplation is not an active state like concentration, but a psychic and mental state of reception.   When concentration is mastered, the object is then applied to the mind which becomes open to receive specific directives from within, related to that object.  In other words, the student “tunes in” to understand the mind emanations from the object.

Meditation: raising the kundalini power

The true meditative state is a result of a conscious rise of the kundalini up to the Christ centre.   This is dangerous unless taught by a Master.

The fire of kundalini is like a three-and-a-half-coiled serpent and lies sleeping in Muladhara, or the base of the spine psychic centre.  When the meditator consciously brings together the universal life force (prana) and the latent kundalini power, something tantamount to a minor atomic explosion releases the primeval force of kundalini upwards through the channel in the centre of the spinal column (susumna).  It actually ascends through the tiny channel within susumna, called citrini, which is about 1/100th part of a human hair in breadth and extremely subtle.

As the meditator consciously raises kundalini up through each psychic centre in turn, each chakra is closed down when the power leaves it.  For instance, when the kundalini leaves the solar plexus centre, the meditator’s legs and hips become paralysed.

When the meditator causes kundalini to open the heart chakra, he understands the tremendous energy of love, and can radiate this to all in need.  He is capable of advanced psychic vision.  He can hear the tremendous forces within this great vortex of power.  This starts to bring deeper states of meditation.  However, in true meditation, kundalini is brought up to at least the throat centre.

Meditation: adeptship

When kundalini is raised to the throat centre, the physical heart nearly stops beating and the meditator cannot move physically – but he is released from bodily limitation.  The mind becomes immobile.  This very deep state of trance is described as conscious death.

Inner shining light and deep vision are now experienced, and the meditator begins to understand the irrevocable occult Laws.  The tremendous vortex of power within the Christ centre above sounds like gigantic waterfall.  He can hear a tree growing, a man talking miles away, or a cloud form 2,000 feet above him, if he thinks about it.  For a more detailed description please see The Nine Freedoms. Also see Realise your Inner Potential.

The meditator becomes a master of all things audible, and is now an adept.

True meditation: samadhi and Enlightenment

When the meditator raises the power of kundalini upwards, together with the forces of the throat centre, to fully open the Christ centre, the deepest state of meditation is attained.  This is samadhi, the true meditative state, which can be described as full enlightenment.

The meditator becomes one with that upon which he contemplates.  He may project his consciousness onto high planes, and receives great enlightenment and bliss.  Dr King has brilliantly described the experience of true meditation in a general way in the book Realise Your Inner Potential.

The adept becomes a Master, and may meditate for 5 minutes or 200 years.  The only bodily heat is a thin band of warmth around the top of the forehead which keeps the blood in a state of semi-suspension and prevents rigor mortis.  The body does not age in this state.

Cosmic Consciousness

When the meditative state can be attained at will, the even deeper state of Cosmic Consciousness is possible if all the powers of the meditator are risen into the Crown chakra.  In Cosmic Consciousness the meditator becomes one with that which is the object, and hence that which is all objects throughout the cosmos.  For example, the meditator realises he is but an expression of the One Life manifesting Itself through the different sexes, colours and races on Earth.

Cosmic Consciousness is rarely attained, and a full description defies words.  Dr King has given an excellent general description of this advanced state in the books The Nine Freedoms and Realise Your Inner Potential.

The modern spiritual path

In these days, it is service, otherwise known as Karma yoga, which is more important than the lofty goal of meditation and enlightenment.

This does not require us to practise concentration, contemplation or meditation for hours on end.  In Karma yoga, all the stages on the path to Enlightenment will be reached without undue force when the karma of the path brings us these opportunities.  Of course the student of Karma yoga can still practise various breathing or other yoga exercises as these will bring benefit to him along the way.

In the words of the Cosmic Master, Mars Sector 6, service will cause “the mighty Power of Kundalini [to] rise in natural, unforced fashion and open the Chakra jewels in your higher bodies, in will pour inspiration and you will be standing on the verge of Initiation into Adeptship.”

Further reading: