How does spiritual healing work?

Spiritual healing is a safe and natural ability that lies within us all. We teach workshops on how to become a healer, and offer healing in our sanctuary on Tuesdays.

Universal life forces – prana or qi

Although we may not realise it, we live in a vast sea of energy – the energy of life – known as prana or qi to the ancients. The whole of creation is filled with these universal life forces which form a matrix upon which all of creation is built. We receive these pranas from the cosmos, the major source being the sun. Without them creation would cease to move whether that movement be a thought or physical object such as an atom or a sun. Prana is vital to life and an imbalance or lack of it is what is called disease.

“Spiritual healing is a science in which the universal life forces are conveyed from the healer to the patient.”

– Dr George King

The aura and the chakras

Around our physical bodies there exists a subtle body called an aura. This is interrelated to the physical body directly through subtle energy channels which are called nadis or meridians. Every part of our body has its subtle energy aspects and could not exist without these. Just as our physical body needs energy or food to survive, so does the aura or subtle body need energy. Unlike the physical body however this energy does not have to be obtained from food.

Prana enters the aura through openings in it called chakras or psychic centres which are like little whirlpools. The health of these psychic centres within the aura has a great influence over our mental and physical health. What effects the aura directly affects its physical counterpart – the body.

Negative emotions and thoughts tend to contaminate our aura and inhibit the flow of prana through the higher psychic centres within it. One result of this is that the aura slowly becomes unable to absorb the higher energies of intuition. These higher aspects of prana bring balance and inspiration, and without them disease can manifest.

The major chakras